Google Cloud Fundamentals
Example Uses of GCP

Example uses of Google Cloud Platform

Khan Academy

Khan Academy use Google App Engine:

  • no need for a sys-admin or anyone to manage deployment
  • more time to focus on app development
  • deploy at least once a day, up to 10 times a day

Coca-Cola Happiness Flag

happinessflag.com (opens in a new tab)

Google Cloud guest post (opens in a new tab)

Coca-cola happiness flag GCP infrastructure

  • world's largest mosaic flag croowdsourced from 200+ countries
  • hybrid solution built on:
    • Google App Engine
    • Cloud Storage
    • Datastore
    • Compute Engine
  • handled millions of images from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and email
  • features:
    • redundancy
    • failover
    • backup
    • monitoring

Backflip Studios - Mobile Games

Google Cloud guest post (opens in a new tab)

  • mobile game dev studio
  • use Google App Engine and Datastore for game data
  • auto scaling for handling volatile traffic
  • use Cloud Storage and BigQuery for marketing teams to analyse app data