Google Cloud Fundamentals
Google Cloud Datastore

Google Cloud Datastore

  • Datastore eliminates the need for a DBA. Google takes care of:
    • high availability
    • scalability
    • redundancy
    • replication
    • sharding
  • schemaless database


Cloud Datastore (opens in a new tab)

  • NoSQL store for billions of rows
  • schemaless access - no need to think about underlying data structure
  • local development tools
  • automatic scaling and fully managed
  • built-in redundancy
  • support for ACID transactions
  • includes a free daily quota
  • access from anywhere via REST API

Kinds, Entities, Properties, and Keys


  • categorises entities for querying purposes
  • corresponds to a table in a relational DB


  • data object containing properties
  • corresponds to a row in a relational DB (and document in MongoDB)


  • data values within an entity
  • corresponds to a field in a relational DB


  • identifier for the entity
  • corresponds to a primary key in a relational DB

Entity Groups

  • entities can be organised into groups
  • can include different types of entities
  • an entity group is a set of entities connected through an ancestry, forming a heirarchical structure
  • sequence of entities from parent to child to a specific entity is known as its ancestor path
  • entity groups are required for achieving:
    • strong consistency, and
    • for participating in transactions

Datastore Development

  • datastore client libraries:
    • on GAE: Java, Python, Go, Node
    • not on GAE: whatever you're willing to build / can find
  • queries
    • supports filters, sorts, and special queries
    • familiar SQL-like language - GQL
    • most queries are eventually consistent
  • indexes
    • all queries served by pre-built indexes
    • every property is automatically indexed
    • can define custom indexes
    • performance scales with size of result set, not the size of the dataset

Indexes are store using Google's BigTable.