Google Cloud Fundamentals
Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud SQL

  • Google becomes your DBA
  • Google handles:
    • patch management
    • updates
    • replication
    • etc.
  • allows developers to focus on the logical side, and creating data structures

Cloud SQL

Cloud SQL (opens in a new tab)

  • Google-managed MySQL databases
  • pay-per-use model without lock-in
  • highly-available, reliable, secure
  • supports standard MySQL connections
  • seamless integration with GAE and GCE
  • REST API for management

Cloud SQL Features

  • familiar
  • flexible charging
  • managed backups
    • retains 7 backups, included in initial cost
  • connect from anywhere
  • automatic replication
  • fast connection from GCE and GAE
  • Google security

Interacting with Cloud SQL

  • standard tools, such as MySQL client

    $ mysql --host=<instance-ip> --user=<user-name> --password
  • using Google Cloud SDK

    $ gcloud sql instances create <instance-name>

Comparing Storage Options

Cloud Datastore

  • capacity: terabytes+
  • unit size: 1MB / entity
  • storage type: NoSQL
  • primary user case: use with App Engine

Cloud Storage

  • capacity: petabytes+
  • unit size: 5TB / object
  • storage type: Object storage
  • primary user case: unstructured data

Cloud SQL

  • capacity: terabytes+
  • unit size: 10TB
  • storage type: Relational SQL
  • primary user case: managed MySQL

Via Google Stoarge options (opens in a new tab):

Storage flow chart