Data Structure & Algorithms
Arrays 2D Matrices
Anti Diagonals

Anti Diagonals

Problem Description

Give a N * N square matrix A, return an array of its anti-diagonals. Look at the example for more details.

Problem Constraints

1<= N <= 1000
1<= A[i][j] <= 1e9

Input Format

Only argument is a 2D array A of size N * N.

Output Format

Return a 2D integer array of size (2 * N-1) * N, representing the anti-diagonals of input array A.
The vacant spaces in the grid should be assigned to 0.

Example Input

Input 1:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Input 2:
1 2
3 4

Example Output

Output 1:
1 0 0
2 4 0
3 5 7
6 8 0
9 0 0

Output 2:
1 0
2 3
4 0

Example Explanation

Explanation 1:
The first anti diagonal of the matrix is [1 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [1, 0, 0].
The second anti diagonal of the matrix is [2, 4 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [2, 4, 0].
The third anti diagonal of the matrix is [3, 5, 7 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [3, 5, 7].
The fourth anti diagonal of the matrix is [6, 8 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [6, 8, 0].
The fifth anti diagonal of the matrix is [9 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [9, 0, 0].

Explanation 2:
The first anti diagonal of the matrix is [1 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [1, 0, 0].
The second anti diagonal of the matrix is [2, 4 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [2, 4, 0].
The third anti diagonal of the matrix is [3, 0, 0 ], the rest spaces shoud be filled with 0 making the row as [3, 0, 0].

