Data Structure & Algorithms
Bit Manipulations
Unset I Th Bit

Unset i-th bit

Problem Description

You are given two integers A and B.

  • If B-th bit in A is set, make it unset.
  • If B-th bit in A is unset, leave as it is.

Return the updated A value.

Note: The bit position is 0-indexed, which means that the least significant bit (LSB) has index 0.

Problem Constraints

1 <= A <= 10^9
0 <= B <= 30

Input Format

First argument A is an integer.
Second argument B is an integer.

Output Format

Return an integer

Example Input

Input 1:
A = 4
B = 1

Input 2:
A = 5
B = 2

Example Output

Output 1:

Output 2:

Example Explanation

Explanation 1:
Given N = 4 which is 100 in binary. The 1-st bit is already unset

Explanation 2:
Given N = 5 which is 101 in binary. We unset the 2-nd bit
It becomes 001 which is 1 in Decimal.

